Army ROTC, one of the country’s top leadership programs, is an elective curriculum students can try for up to two years without any military obligation.
The curriculum consists of two parts, the Basic Course and the Advanced Course, and focuses on Army history, organization and structure, tactical operations and principles of leadership and management.
Army ROTC electives may also be used by students pursuing the Certificate of Professional Leadership Studies.
Course Descriptions
Army ROTC courses consist of classes, labs and physical readiness training (PRT). Classes, labs and PRT sessions are held on campus. However, there are some exceptions for the location of labs and PRT, depending on the nature of the training.
Leadership laboratories are mandatory and complement courses with hands-on experiences.
MSL 1001 Foundations of Officership
MSL 1001L Foundations of Officership Laboratory
Foundations of Officership examines the unique duties and responsibilities of officers, organization and role of the Army, reviews skills about fitness and communication, and analyzes Army values and expected ethical behavior.
MSL 1002 Basic Leadership
MSL 1002L Basic Leadership Laboratory
Basic Leadership presents fundamental leadership concepts and doctrine, practices basic skills that underlie effective problem-solving and examines the officer experience.
MSL 2101 Individual Leadership Studies
MSL 2101L Individual Leadership Laboratory
Individual Leadership Studies develops knowledge of self, self-confidence, and individual leadership skills, develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and apply communication, feedback, and conflict-resolution skills.
MSL 2102 Leadership and Teamwork
MSL 2102L Leadership and Teamwork Laboratory
Leadership and Teamwork focuses on self-development guided by knowledge of self and group processes and challenges current beliefs, knowledge, and skills.

Army ROTC Training Opportunities
Contracted cadets can participate in exciting training experiences at installations throughout the United States alongside cadets from programs around the country.